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PA Sunshine program will shut down by end of year but money is still available NOW!

PA Sunshine program is slated to end by 12/31/2013. The program is no longer handing out grant reservations. They are simply approving and issues grants after systems get installed. One of the reasons for this is a reservation allocates money for a system and if the system never gets built it ties of money that […]

PA Sunshine Grants are BACK Fully Funded – no waiting list!


The PA Sunshine Program is, as of Jan. 24, 2013, out of the Waiting List phase and back in an active rebate mode, thanks to $7.25 million in funding from the Commonwealth Financing Authority. DEP is reserving a portion of these funds to satisfy rebate reservations and applications for projects previously submitted and […]

PA Sunshine meter reporting now required for only 2 years!

The PA DEP has changed it’s requirements that Sunshine grant recipients are now only required to reports their annual solar meter readings for two years (instead of three years).

Sunny Day Power is an approved PA Solar Hot Water Installer

Sunny Day Power LLC is an approved Solar Hot Water Installer with the PA Sunshine program!

One of the most expensive energy hogs in your home or business is the generation of hot water! And a solar electric PV solution is the LEAST efficient MOST expensive way to generate hot water. Put simply, if you […]

Residential Pa Sunshine PV program incentive level is officially in Step-4 at $0.75/watt

The Residential Pa Sunshine PV program incentive level is officially in Step-4 at $0.75/watt. However, if you are a low income household you are still eligible to receive $2.25/watt. Please contact Dennis Murphy for more details at (610) 358-6065 x115 or at dennis@SunnyDayPower.NET

Do you have to subtract your PA Sunshine Grant before applying for the 30% Federal Tax Credit?

This is a good question and may be best answered by a qualified tax adviser.

Even the IRS provides an unclear answer:

“The IRS has not issued guidance on how these federal tax credits will interact with State or local rebates. However, in the past, it has worked like this:

If your state/local rebate was […]

Pennsylvania Quietly Pulls Solar Tax Credit

Pennsylvania Quietly Pulls Solar Tax Credit […]

Sunshine Program for Small Businesses Closed

Sunshine Program for Small Businesses Closed […]

Residential Sunshine Fund has stepped to $1.25/watt

Residential Sunshine Fund has stepped to $1.25/watt […]

PA Sunshine Program Small Business Tier 3 Funding Exhausted

PA Sunshine Program Small Business Tier 3 Funding Exhausted […]