According to a phone call I made today to a GATS administrator Pennsylvania residents are not allowed to automatically report their monthly generation based on system size estimates; however, New Jersey residents are allowed to automatically report their monthly generation based on system size estimates.
I was just completing a PA AEPS application to get a customer’s PV generator certified and notice the following note:
Note 1: Solar systems under 15kW are allowed to utilize estimates to earn AECs provided you do not have a Revenue Grade Production meter installed. Sunshine Fund participants are required to have a Revenue Grade Meter and therefore must report readings. If you are located outside of the state of PA and your state does not allow the use of estimates or has a different system size limit for estimates, you should not utilize estimates as it may result in invalid credits for your home state. If you are over the 15kW limit and thus do not qualify to utilize estimates, please check the “Submit Meter Readings” box. A “Revenue Grade Production Meter” is NOT the utility meter, but would rather be tied to your inverters to record your total solar production. If you select the “Sunshine Fund Participant” box, the “Submit Meter Readings” box will automatically check.