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Renewables constitute all new US electricity capacity added in January

The Hill 
Renewable energy accounted for all new electric capacity added in the United States last month, according to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. In all, 1,231 megawatts of new generating capacity were installed in January. Of that total, wind provided 958 megawatts, solar chipped in 267 megawatts and biomass contributed 6 megawatts. That’s a marked difference from January 2012, when coal led the way with 808 megawatts of the 1,693 megawatts added. Natural gas followed with 445 megawatts, and wind tossed in 276 megawatts to take the pole for renewables.  MORE


Join the clean power revolution and go solar!  Call Dennis Murphy at 610.358.6065 x115 or at dennis@SunnyDayPower.NET to discuss solar for your home or business.

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